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Financial Planning St. John's, Financial Advisor St. John's

Financial Planning St. John's

As you probably already know, there are many people who offer advice on which investments are the "best ones". But you probably also already know that there is much more to your financial well being than an RRSP. Or an education fund for your children, or even figuring out how to pay income and Estate taxes.


Personal financial planning puts the focus on you as an individual. A properly designed financial plan brings together all the financial and psychological aspects of your life that have an impact on you.

A properly-drafted financial plan will help you realize your personal financial goals and objectives, while giving you a better feeling of financial security.

There are many people in St. John's who call themselves financial planners, but the true professional financial advisor in St. John's employs the Total Financial Planning Process. It is comprised of six distinct and important stages.

Step 1 - In this step, we work with you to help you clarify your current financial situation by collecting and assessing all relevant data including your assets and liabilities, insurance policies, tax returns, wills and pension plans and records of securities transactions.

Step 2 - Once we've completed the data collection and assessment, we help you identify just what it is you want. What are your financial and personal goals and objectives? We also work with you to clarify your financial and personal values and attitudes.

Step 3 - Once we figure out where you are, and what it is you want to do, we look at what potential financial problems that could arise which can cause barriers to your financial independence.

Step 4 - We take everything we've learned from you and your current financial planning and provide you with comprehensive written recommendations and recommended solutions. These will be designed to fulfill your needs without undue emphasis on purchasing specific products.

Step 5 - A true Financial Advisor in St. John's would then assist you in the implementation of the right strategy to make sure that you attain your goals and objectives.

Step 6 - Is when a true financial planning advisor would provide a review and revision of your plan, once it's been implemented to help make sure you are on track to achieving your goals and objectives.


There are many reasons people seek help for financial planning in St. John's. Asking yourself these questions may help you determine if you should search out specialized financial advice.

  • Do you have the time needed to give your undivided attention to your personal financial situation?
  • Have you received, and are you confused about differing financial advice from numerous sources?
  • Do you feel that you may be paying too much in taxes?
  • Are you unsure about where and how to invest your money?
  • Do you often feel that you can't manage your day to day financial needs?
  • Do you find that you can't save any money?
  • Has there been a change in your life recently that may affect your financial future, such as an impending retirement, an addition to your family, job loss, an inheritance, or loss of your spouse?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then perhaps it is time to discuss your situation with a qualified financial advisor in the St. John's area. Contact our office if you are looking for information about your long term financial strategy.